Let me tell you, writing about yourself is hard, and reviewing it after is just crazy!
But I've lived a life...full of trials and tribulations, overcoming obstacles and failures...but never giving up. I hope that by reading this you're able to see a bit of yourself in me and that will motivate you to push yourself, to focus on your goals, and to make you a priority!
How things started How they changed Where I'm at today!

Where I started...
Becoming pregnant at 16 and then again at 17 led me to rely on various forms of government assistance such as food stamps, WIC coupons, Medi-Cal (state insurance), housing projects, and women's shelter aid for abusive relationships. After leaving an abusive relationship while pregnant with my second child, I worked two jobs as a single mother – hustle became my middle name.
Like so many women....
I was raised without any education on nutrition or healthy eating habits. I fell ill and landed in the hospital with a gallbladder on the verge of bursting and weighing 202 pounds.
When I started to make a change...
I experimented with various diets and exercise regimens. Working in the medical field for a decade, with a side job at Golds Gym Daycare, which sparked my interest in fitness competitions. Eventually, I found a somewhat consistent routine with diet and exercise, but I would often fall off track every few months, leading to inconsistency. I collected fitness magazines for years, absorbing all the fundamental knowledge about fitness.
Got married, had baby #3, and eventually became more interested in strength training
How My Business Started...
I had a crazy idea after roaming a fitness forum- Oxygen Mag for women- and saw there was such thing as pole dancing for fitness....Did research and found an MLM that sold the poles and a business model to do mobile pole dance parties.
I called up my sister and asked if she wanted to do this and her reply was “pool dancing? We don’t own a pool”. To which I corrected her and said “No silly, POLE dancing”. She said “I don’t know how to dance like that” and I said: “neither do I, but I think we can figure it out!”
We dove in and I started a biz w/my sister as a side hustle teaching women pole dancing in their homes in 2007 (Pole Dance Parties for women - our first biz name was Sassy Sisters Pole Dance Parties)
It became insanely popular as no one in our area was offering this. We eventually started opening up my home 1x a week to teach lessons to 2-4 women in my home.
Then it became 2x a week and eventually 3x a week, and that's when we decided to look for a local spot- found a space 450sq feet and took the plunge!
We called our physical location- Venus Pole Fitness- we wanted to inspire women to feel like Goddesses!
We still had zero idea what I was doing with business- popped up 4 poles, googled how to run a business and eventually I learned how to do sales and marketing + PR and got multiple local news outlets in for interviews and the business was born and growing!
Many years later the business grew to its current location of 2500 sq feet and has morphed into a few iterations from Pole dancing, adding a bootcamp component, and eventually after COVID converting to strictly personal training for women.
My mission has always remained the same...
I wanted to create a space (in person and online) where women who felt out of place or like they didn’t have a community were always welcome. We are the Cheers of fitness
Thru my business journey, I have taken many certifications in fitness, personal training, group fitness, nutrition, yoga, mobility, functional training, bodybuilding, crossfit and beyond!
My mission is that if I (A former unhealthy, overweight, depressed mom turned IFBB Bodybuilding Pro) can do it, so can you!
I’ve made all of the mistakes with health and fitness so that you don’t have to.
With 16 bodybuilding shows under my belt, I can promise you that I’m a “professional dieter and exerciser” so I know what works and what doesn’t for women across all spans of goals.
I’ve coached thousands of women in person since 2007 and online since 2014.
I’ve developed programs and courses for in-person clients & athletes, everyday women, women approaching 70 years old, and everything in between!​
While my team is working hard locally to continue to serve the women in our community, I am working with women across the world to bring sustainable and empowering fitness programs and diet strategies that are not overly restrictive and spending hours in the gym.
Fitness has been instrumental in my mental health and it’s my mission to share it’s transformative effects in women.